Doctor issues warning after revealing the ‘three worst meals’ to have for breakfast

A doctor has warned that there are three popular kinds of food that you shouldn’t have for breakfast – though they’re very closely associated with the first meal of the day.

Breakfast is the first and arguably most important meal of the day, so you’ll want to make sure you start things off the right way.

Apparently you are what you eat, so if you want to have a good day then a good breakfast would seem like a good way to make that happen.

With that in mind, you should know what food and drink to avoid, and TikToking doctor Dan Sullivan has been telling people what to avoid when they want to start the day.

Unfortunately, his three picks might be a bit controversial since they’re staples of many a breakfast around the world.

No, don’t drink that! NOOOOOO! (Getty Stock Photo)

Thing number one to avoid according to the doc is orange juice, and hopefully he’ll understand if I don’t take his advice on this one.

Drinking orange juice with breakfast just seems so ‘right’ and proper, but according to Dr Sullivan, the drink ‘contains almost all sugar without much or any fibre’.

He particularly warned about quaffing orange juice early in the morning without any food alongside it, as that could cause ‘a blood sugar spike and a crash shortly thereafter’.

That’s all very helpful to know, but I’ll still be plundering the fridge for some orange juice when I go for breakfast each morning.

Second on the list is likely to be another surprising entry, it’s that staple of so many breakfasts: cereal.

Curse you, cereal. You made yourself such a staple of breakfast. (Getty Stock Photo)

“Most cereals contain tonnes of processed and simple carbohydrates,” said the doc on TikTok.

“Consuming a high amount of carbohydrates without adequate protein or fat is a recipe for blood sugar imbalance.”

Once again, it’s very useful to receive this advice but it may go unheeded, as cereals just feel right for a breakfast food.


Worst 3 foods to start your day In this video, I explain 3 common foods people consume for breakfast and how they can be causing issues. What are the breakfast foods that make you feel the best? Comment below #naturopathicmedicine #NaturopathicDoctor #breakfast #Sugar #Protein #functionalmedicine #doctor #food #foods #bloodsugar #bloodsugarimbalance #energycrash #energy #fatigue #fruit #smoothie

♬ original sound – Dr. Dan Sullivan, ND

Third and finally, Dr Sullivan said the other worst thing to have for breakfast was a fruit smoothie.

Yes, you may be reckoning that a bunch of blended fruits would be a very healthy way to start the day, but the doc said it ‘contains no protein and very little fat’.

We need these two things ‘for balancing blood sugar levels’ as well as ‘stabilising energy and improving brain function’.

With the list of things you shouldn’t have for breakfast pretty clear, you might be wondering what you ought to be eating instead.

Given the doc’s responses to people’s breakfast suggestions in the comments, he sounds like a big fan of eggs, while some of his fans suggested adding protein powder to a fruit smoothie to improve it.