Mum bizarrely finds £5 stuffed into letterbox before discovering hilarious reason it was put there

Simple things sometimes make the best gifts: a free round at the pub, a mix-up with your meal that leaves you with two mains for the price of one, and the crisp £20 that falls out of your birthday card as you pretend to read it.

While being given cash with no strings attached sounds like the dream, we’re interested to know how you would react if you saw a random, unearned £5 note hanging out of your letterbox.

Would you assume a good Samaritan had seen you drop it and went out of their way to return it to you?

Would you accept it with no questions asked? Or, would it raise some serious ‘scary’ queries about your personal safety?

This very scenario happened to one woman, who arrived home to discover someone had tried to stuff money through the hole in her front door.

Ali Smith, who is a mother and active TikTok user, took to social media to reveal she had no clue how or why this mystery gift had been delivered to her family home.

“I’ve just come into the porch to find a £5 note posted through the letterbox. No envelope, no nothing. I’m thinking, ‘Who on Earth is posting £5 through the letterbox?’”, she said in a video, as per The Mirror.

Smith expressed the perplexity of the situation and took her dog out for an evening stroll to help clear her head of any confusion

Despite chewing on the £5 note debacle on her walk, it wasn’t until she and her pooch eventually arrived back at their abode that she successfully cracked the code.

A mum admitted he initially had ‘no clue’ why money had been put through her letterbox (Getty stock image)

It turns out the answer to why the money had been delivered to her house was staring her right in the face.

On her front window, she’d previously strung up some DIY Halloween decorations and various crafts created by her son.

Upon seeing the spooky trimmings again, she realised that the person who delivered the money must have been close enough to her house to read a cheeky sign her child had pinned up.

“[My son] did some Halloween crafts yesterday. He put the picture in the window, with this sign [that says] ‘If I scared you, please leave five pounds’,” she explained in the TikTok video.

The woman eventually realised the ‘scary’ reason behind the dough (Getty stock image)

After realising the £5 note was a kind-hearted gesture from a stranger, Smith expressed how impressed she was that someone wanted to play along with her son’s ‘scary’ sign by giving him the money he requested.

Unfortunately, she admitted that she had ‘no clue’ who the ‘amazing’ individual could be.

She speculated: “We live on a very popular coastal walk route, though. I suspect a kind walker that thought it was cute.”

As per The Express, one TikToker commended Smith’s son for his ‘genius’ signage while others admitted they too would’ve given the little lad a fiver for his efforts.