Doctor reveals three serious headache symptoms you should never ignore

headache symptoms

A doctor has detailed three serious headache symptoms that you really shouldn’t be ignoring.

Especially with medical problems, it can be hard not to let your worries get the better of you and googling symptoms only seems to make things worse – especially if it leads you spiralling down a rabbit hole of scary health problems.

The fact of the matter is, it’s never usually that bad, but it’s always better to check – and with the help of experts, you can always get to the bottom of any problems you may be incurring.

Headaches is a symptom a lot of people suffer from, and while Doctor Bing over on TikTok notes that most headaches are ‘harmless’, there are some types of headache symptoms you may want to pay the doctor a visit for.

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There’s three types of headaches you should probably see the doctor about (Getty stock images)

Thunderclap headache

The doctor explained how this headache reaches ’10/10′ pain in just 60 seconds ‘and people usually describe it as the worst headache of their lives’.

“The most important thing here is to rule out a subarachnoid haemorrhage usually caused by a ruptured aneurysm. But there can be other causes as well,” he added.

Other possible causes of such a headache include ‘things like RCVS, which is intermittent narrowing of the blood vessels in the brain as well as cerebral venous thrombosis which is a clot in a major vein in the brain’.

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You should keep these symptoms in mind (TikTok/

‘New’ headache for those over 50

This next symptom is very much linked to people over the age of 50, with those in that age category warned by the content creator about a type of headache that brings about new symptoms such as vision changes, scalp tenderness and pain while chewing.

As ‘primary’ causes for a headache, like a migrane, decrease with age, Doctor Bing went on to state such symptoms could be a sign of cell arteritis which is ‘an inflammatory condition of the blood vessels and can lead to permanent blindness if not treated quickly with high dose steroids’.

Issues with eyes

Those who have ‘drooping of one eyelid, dilation of that pupil and double vision’ alongside a headache should also pay their GP a visit to be on the safe side, according to the doctor.

Headache symptoms that shouldn’t be ignored #neurology #neuroscience #brain #brainhealth #neurologist #doctor

♬ original sound – Dr. Bing, MD MPH

“I specifically mentioned this because it’s one of the few times that we can catch a brain aneurysm before it ruptures,” Doctor Bing said.

“The specific set of symptoms can be caused by an aneurysm compressing on the third cranial nerves.”

He then concluded the video by stating those with ‘new headaches or new features’ should look at going to the doctors for further evaluation.

When should I see a doctor about my headaches?

Cedar Sinai recommends you visit the doctor if your headaches persist and are ‘interfering with your usual activities’.

They also add that if the headaches are causing you to vomit, lose vision or consciousness or lasts longer than 72 hours with less than 4 hours of pain-free.
