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Flat earther ‘realizes he’s wrong’ in hilarious moment that left interviewer lost for words

A man who believes in the flat Earth theory was left red-faced in a hilarious moment that left the interviewer lost for words.

There have long been conspiracy theories surrounding Earth being flat rather than the usual sphere shape we were all told about growing up.

However, many scientists and studies have disproved the flat Earth theory, with Professor Brian Cox previously saying: “There is absolutely no basis at all for thinking the world is flat.

“Nobody in human history, as far as I know, has thought the world was flat.

“The Greeks measured the radius of the Earth. I cannot conceive of a reason why anybody would think the world is flat.”

Flat Earth theories never seem to go away (Getty Stock Photo)

He added: “The very simple fact we’ve taken pictures of it [Earth].

“I’m lost for words, it’s probably the most nonsensical suggestion that a thinking human being could possibly make. It is drivel.”

Despite all of that, some people continue to talk up the idea of our planet being flat.

Back in 2018, Andrew Hales spoke to a man who was convinced the Earth is flat.

Hales told Ryan Zim: “OK… to imply that the Earth is flat, you aren’t just saying that NASA are lying, you aren’t just saying there is a conspiracy within a single company, you’re implying there is a conspiracy involving the world’s 71 space agencies – 13 of which have launching capabilities.

“Not only are you saying that all 71 of those agencies are lying about the shape of the Earth, but every single person within them is lying or being fooled by their respective companies.”

He continued: “Furthermore, every single astrophysicist in the world is, by your implication, a scam artist getting paid to do research through telescopes and instruments that would be useless if the world were flat.

The flat earther appeared on a podcast (YouTube)

“So, roughly, 75,000 people are lying about what they do for a living. Not only is it absurd to imply that NASA – a program ran under the United States government – could possibly pull off this sort of conspiracy, but the fact that all 71 space agencies around the world are also taking part in some conspiracy, and every astronomer and astrophysicist and astronaut is also part of the same conspiracy.”

Zim’s face really said it all, with many believing the penny had finally dropped and he came to the realization ‘he’s wrong’.

He summed up by claiming nations are lying to the general public about Earth.

“I believe the fact that the Earth is flat is confidential at a very high level,” he said.

So, which one do you believe, eh?

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