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Kids exposed to ‘utter filth’ in church after ‘X-rated photo’ projected on screen instead of hymns

Ah, going to the church as a kid for Harvest.

Happy primary school memories of showing up in autumn with a basket of food bits you made your mum rush out to buy last minute the night before.

Walking hand in hand with your classmate down the road to the local church to shiver away singing hymns, while your parents pretend you sound like angels.

But not at any point do those childhood memories include porn being shown against the backdrop of stained-glass windows. Well, not for the majority of us anyway.

And yet, some kids were exposed to ‘utter filth’ in a church after an ‘X-rated photo’ was projected onto the screen instead of the song lyrics.

The church in East Yorkshire reportedly showed an unholy snap. (Google Maps)

Teachers at Hornsea Community Primary School in East Yorkshire were left scrambling to shut it down when a laptop used by church volunteers flashed up the content.

An unnamed parent retold the awkward situation to The Sun: “One minute the children are singing We Plough The Fields And ­Scatter, the next the church is showing the pupils utter filth.

“The six- and seven-year-olds were gobsmacked and didn’t know where to look.”




Year 2 pupils were visiting the town’s United Reformed Church as part of celebrations of its 150th anniversary when things took an unholy turn.

A letter from the school to parents reportedly told them of the X-rated ordeal.

“As part of the singing, a church computer screen was used to share the song words,” it read. “The church volunteers used their laptop to do this, and unfortunately for a few seconds, some inappropriate content was shown on the screen. Our staff immediately intervened and removed this from the screen.

What ever happened to reading the hymns from a book? (Getty Stock)

“We are not sure if the children were aware of this and we have not spoken to them about it. Mrs Semper, our safeguarding lead, is following it up to ensure the church deal with this in an appropriate manner.”

The letter also added that the church was ‘conducting their own inquiries’ with the matter referred to the local authority’s safeguarding department.

Victoria Aitken, East Riding of Yorkshire Council cabinet member for children, families and education, told the BBC: “We have been made aware of the incident within the church.

“The school informed families the same day and will not be using the church until we can be reassured that this cannot happen again.”

One of the church elders told The Sun: “There’s nothing to defend here. We will just let the process take its course. It’s in the hands of the professionals.”

LADbible has contacted Hornsea Community Primary School and Hornsea United Reformed Church for comment.

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