Only people with ‘sniper vision’ can find the snake hidden in the woods and it’s harder than you think

It’s fair to say if you were near a snake in the wild you’d probably want to know about it but if it was as well camouflaged as these two shared by a Reddit user, most of us would have no chance.

Look, I get it, you see an article with this headline and immediately roll your eyes and a little snide voice pops into your head commenting, “How hard can it really be?”

Alas, prepare to admit defeat my friend, because this is one of the times you will likely end up absolutely stumped and proven social media isn’t full of quite as many idiots as you thought.

A Reddit user who goes by @Prize-Technology-811 – took to the thread r/FindTheSniper last week to share two photographs of a woodland area and – apparently – two snakes too.

The caption reads: “Two of the same species on the same hike in different locations. Somewhere near Wilmington, Delaware.”

If you look at the images, it’s likely you can only see what the majority can see – some trees, lots of leaves, patches of grass, a plethora of branches and not a snake in sight.

But if you peer really closely perhaps your sssnakey senses may begin to tingle – the fact it’s got the word ‘medium’ on the post suggesting this is medium difficulty is actually pretty insulting because I still can’t find it.

Thankfully, others do have a stronger eyesight and more brain cells left on a Thursday afternoon than I do and have taken the comments to weigh in on the slithery snakes.

At the time of writing, four Redditors have been awarded with ‘snipes’ meaning they have successfully identified where the snakes are in the images, however others haven’t been so lucky.

One user said: “There goes by half an hour of my life.”

“All I know is that every single stick in the upper half of this photo looks like a snake to me…” A second wrote.

A third commented: “Kinda worries me that I’ve spent 20 years in the army, countless nights in the field, and never found a snake.”

“I must be blind because I don’t see it even after reading the spoilers. HELP,” a fourth wrote.

For those of you who are still struggling, the original poster explained: “Concentrate on the right side of the first photo, midway between the top and bottom, then for the second, look for the snake’s head sticking out under the upper left clump of brown mushrooms.”

Another added: “It’s thin, tiny and black with 2 long white stripes. Look dead center of the picture then go right only halfway, just a little downwards and there it is. The head is hiding underneath the green plant between the two orange leaves Hope that helps!”

And a final resolved: “Lord never put me in this situation cause i would be dead.”

Thankfully the original poster clarified: “Don’t worry, this one won’t kill you.”