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Passenger mysteriously disappears while waiting for one-way flight at airport

passenger mysteriously disappear

The family members of a man from Oregon are searching for answers after he disappeared while traveling through Denver International Airport.

Jesse George, from Medford, Oregon, left his home state on Sunday (October 13) to travel on a one-way ticket to Arkansas, where he was set to land the following day.

George, 35, made it to Denver and was set to catch a connecting flight, but he never boarded the plane to his final destination.

His sister, Breanna Winsbury, spoke to Fox31 Denver about her brother’s mysterious disappearance and explained that he’d been moving to Arkansas for a ‘chance to start over’.

After he landed in Denver, Winsbury said George encountered some identification issues while trying to go through security with a temporary ID.

The 35-year-old is said to have ‘stormed off’ and called his father in frustration.

“[He] was very upset, and that was the last time any of us had any communications with him,” Winsbury said.

“I think him storming off falls back to his mental health,” she added.

The family are now left wondering what happened to George, whose luggage is still at Denver airport.

Jesse George’s luggage is still at the airport (Fox31 Denver)

Police have been alerted to the missing man, though he reportedly hasn’t made any phone calls or used his credit cards, leaving few clues as to where he might be.

In a Facebook post, Winsbury added that airline officials and airport police claimed George ‘made no attempts to go through TSA again nor made any contact with officials’.

Winsbury expressed her hope that sharing the news of her brother’s disappearance would help the family track him down, saying: “I hope someone can locate him and get him in contact with me so I can help figure out how to get him home.”

Breanna Winsbury has asked George to get in touch (Fox31 Denver)

In a message directed at George, the sister added: “I love you, come home, get a hold of me. You’re scaring all of us and it would be nice if you could give us a call.”

Winsbury told the Mail Online that disappearing is out of character for her brother, saying: “He’s very quick to be inconvenienced, and when he’s inconvenienced he’s even quicker to have someone solve his problems. So it’s unlike him to just go MIA.”

Denver International Airport is one of the busiest airports in the world, and last year beat its own record for the number of passengers served in one year, totalling 70 million in 2023.

According to the airport’s website, it operates on 53 square miles of land – making the airport twice the size of Manhattan.

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