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Relationship expert shares the six main reasons why women cheat on their partners

A dating expert has revealed the six main reasons why she thinks women end up having a roaming eye while in a relationship – and she reckons the list will really ‘surprise’ people.

Obviously, infidelity isn’t a one-size-fits-all thing and everyone has their own reasoning for doing it, rather than just being an absolute ars*hole.

But according to sexpert and romance guru, Tracey Cox, it’s not as cut-and-dry as men cheating due their supposedly uncontrollable sexual desires and ladies doing it for emotional fulfilment.

She reckons that society still looks at each genders reasoning for being unfaithful through an ‘overly simplistic lens’ – but according to Cox, there are plenty of other explanations for why a woman might want to find out if the grass really is greener elsewhere.

The dating specialist explained that recent research had highlighted six main motivators for ladies two-timing their other half, before using her knowledge to break down why these factors can encourage people to hop between the sheets with someone they shouldn’t.

“Some might just surprise you,” Cox warned.

So, without further ado, let’s find out what the sex expert believes leads a lady into cheating.

Tracey Cox broke down the six main reasons why women cheat in relationships (Getty Stock Photo)

Feeling neglected emotionally

The person you’re sharing your bed and your heart with is meant to be your confidant, support system and lover – but if they start slacking on their side of the bargain, it’s easy to seek these things out elsewhere.

So if a woman’s fella isn’t fulfilling her emotional needs, don’t be surprised if she starts playing away, as Cox says sustaining this connection is ‘crucial’ for a happy relationship.

She told the Daily Mail: “The most frequently given reason for infidelity by women is feeling unhappy in the relationship: almost 65 per cent of women in the study (conducted in the UK and Australia) cited this as their reason for straying.

“Only 31 per cent of men listed dissatisfaction as their primary motivation to seek sex outside the relationship.

“The second most common motivation for women to cheat is feeling emotionally abandoned. Women are four times more likely to cheat for this reason: only five per cent of men cheat if they don’t think their partner is ‘into them’.”

Getting your own back

The dating expert explained a lot of ladies do it to seek revenge on their partners (Getty Stock Photo)

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, especially if they have found out their other half has been up to no good behind their back.

A lot of ladies take an eye for an eye approach to dealing with their partners betrayal – biding their time while secretly plotting their revenge and pretending everything is bliss.

According to the relationship expert, a ‘surprising number’ of women cheat purely as an act of retaliation.

“It’s not just about evening the score: it’s about reclaiming a sense of agency and dignity in a relationship where we feel wronged,” Cox said.

“It might not be the most sensible course of action but the urge to hurt our partner the same way we’ve been hurt, is hard to resist.”

On the other hand, blokes apparently aren’t really that interested in retaliating in this way, with only three percent admitting they cheated because their partner did.

Reclaiming power

Some women view it as a way to reclaim some power (Wodicka/ullstein bild via Getty Images)

A power imbalance in a relationship is likely only going to end one way, whether it is to do with your finances, status or even age.

No one likes feeling as though their other half is in a completely different league to them or as though their opinions aren’t as valid – and Cox warned that this can send a woman running right into the arms of someone else.

“In relationships marked by emotional or psychological imbalances, having an affair is a way of reclaiming a sense of control,” she explained.

“It’s particularly common when a partner is overly dominant or controlling. If you’re too scared to confront directly, doing something sneaky behind their back to make yourself feel better is the next best thing.”

It’s a two fingers up to their partner who constantly reminds them that they are inferior, essentially.

Seeking sexual satisfaction

Some women want to find a better performer in the bedroom, Cox said (Getty Stock Photo)

Some blokes have given the male population a bad name by being quite selfish in the bedroom – and these lot are also apparently driving their partners to cheat on them, too.

Rather than seeking emotional fulfilment or falling head over heels with their secret lover, sometimes, women just want a good sh*g.

It’s as simple as that, apparently, and it’s one of the only things which men and women seemingly agree on when it comes to infidelity.

Cox continued: “If you’re not getting good and regular sex at home, you’re more likely to get it elsewhere. Almost nine per cent of women said this was the reason they strayed, with 10 per cent of men agreeing.

“Sex might be fourth on the list of motivators for women in the study but we’re still susceptible to being seduced if sex with our partner is boring and dull.”

Fix up, fellas.

Stress relief

Stress relief was also give as a possible reason for infidelity (Getty stock images)

Yes, women could practice mindfulness, exercise, or perhaps try out some meditation to de-stress after growing frustrated with all of the lemons which life seems to be handing them, but a lot of women simply prefer a rendezvous with their lover instead, according to Cox.

“The constant stress of juggling career, motherhood, work and other responsibilities leave many women feeling unappreciated and overwhelmed,” she explained. “Some head to the spa for some ‘me time’, others head out to meet a lover to escape from the pressure.”

Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

Cox pointed out that a lot of women inform therapists that they see their affair as ‘something which is just for them’ where they can enjoy a bit of pleasure, rather than being run ragged while juggling the roles of a wife, parent and everything else in between.


Some women also get bored in relationships (Getty stock images)

If you’re relationship has lost it’s spark and excitement is a thing of the past, women might eye up what’s going on elsewhere to inject a bit of adventure into their life.

Sneaking around, meeting up in obscure locations and trying new things in the bedroom is obviously a lot more exciting than doing the same old dance with your long-term partner before rolling over and heading straight to sleep.

Cox explained: “It’s the reason least likely to win any type of sympathy but also the one that most of us will relate to.

“Monogamy might offer security and companionship but humans desensitise rapidly and even in good relationships there are periods where life seems, well, monotonous.

“Nearly eight per cent of women said they’d cheated simply because they were bored; another five per cent said they did it because they wanted novelty.

“Men also cheat when they’re bored (almost six per cent) but are twice as likely to cheat for novelty (nearly 11 per cent).”

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