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Strange optical illusion picture of women sitting on sofa has left people super confused

The internet is known for loving an optical illusion even if it hurts our heads trying to figure it out.

No matter how many times you look at it, the optical illusion seems to make less and less sense.

I mean, some are a little easier to work out such as the strange optical illusion that lets you know if you should drive in the rain.

Well, while that may not be too difficult, one picture of six women sitting on a sofa together has people well and truly stumped.

If you take a closer look at the optical illusion you’ll notice something isn’t quite right.

While there are six people in the image, it looks like there are just five pairs of legs…

Mind-boggling. (Reddit)

At first glance many have noticed the woman sat in the middle of the photo appears to have a torso but no legs.

However, not everyone agrees with that sentiment on Reddit, which just adds to the fun of working out an optical illusion, right?

“The second girls legs are behind first girls legs. I think,” one person penned.

“Actually think the first girl has get legs draped OVER the second girls legs,” a second added.

Meanwhile, another user provided a detailed theory, writing: “Number one has her legs crossed, no tear in the knee. Number two has only one leg visible, the tear is in her knee.

“Those legs are blending together. (Follow that tear down, there’s a split where there’s a sock on the right and not on the left. Number two has a tear in her knee and a visible white sock).”

While another Reddit user weighed in: “Her pants are the same colour, and almost blend. You can see the difference where there is a bit of sock/skin showing above the boot.”

Yes, this optical illusion is a mind-boggler, but it’s not as chilling as the illusion that ‘unveils your biggest fear in life’.

The voiceover in the video claims: “If you first saw a rodent, then you’re most afraid of humiliation and ridicule.

“Pity and mockery are the worst things for you. It often robs you of your confidence and value as a human being.

“You’re afraid of losing control of your life. You don’t want anyone else to have any influence over you.

“You’re very committed to your personal development and put a lot of energy into it.

“At work, you’re the one who takes responsibility. Just because you don’t take it personally doesn’t mean you’ll do anything. You invest your time, and yourself into making every task a reality.”

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