Teenagers refuse to ‘adult’ after learning how much groceries are

A pair of ‘Gen Z’ teenagers learned some pretty hard life lessons after going grocery shopping.

Anyone who does a weekly food shop will know that things are far from cheap at the moment – and don’t seem to be getting cheaper any time soon.

A recent survey found that food prices have gone up an eye-watering 25 percent of late, CNBC reported in June.

And it’s not just food prices that have gone up; many people have found that things like cable TV, gas and other housing costs have increased recently.

Long story short, adulting is hard – something which these teenagers recently learnt for themselves.

In a video shared to TikTok by one of the girls’ moms, the two 17-year-olds expressed their desire to stay young forever.

Amber Morris, who shared the now-viral video, asked the teens: “So girls, what have we learned about grocery shopping?”

“I don’t want to be an adult,” Amber’s daughter replied. “I takes me an hour’s worth of working, and I still can’t even buy this… it’s three pieces of chicken.”

Just wait until they realize how much the price of a McDonald’s meals have gone up.

Amber titled the relatable video ‘adulting is tough!’ and it has since amassed over a million views on TikTok.

Amber’s daughter realized that she’s struggled to afford chicken from the store on her current salary. (@amberrae_2015/TikTok)

People have since replied to the video warning that the girls have much more to learn about adulting yet.

“Wait until they learn about how the money they make is taxed, and when they spend it it’s taxed again, and at the end of the year they are taxed again on their money that was already taxed and taxed,” one person said.

A second said: “It hits different when you realize how many hours of your life is stolen by inflation.”

Others echoed similar sentiments to Amber’s daughter and said they don’t want to adult anymore either.

Many people related to the girls’ feelings. (TikTok)

“Yea I’m done being an adult. At 52 I’m ready for Senior Citizen status,” wrote one.

Someone else agreed: “Me neither. I don’t want to be an adult anymore.”

“I called my mom crying the first time I went food shopping after moving out,” another TikTok user related.

A different person said: “Welcome to adulthood. We all don’t wanna be here.”

Best get saving for your futures (and food), girls!