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Two identical-looking athletes with same name take DNA test to see if they are long-lost brothers

Striking up an acquaintance with someone who you share a name with is always going to be weird, but what if you look like them too?

Well, that actually happened to a pair of US baseball players, and it prompted them to take matters into their own hands by performing a DNA test.

If you’ve been watching any Major League Baseball (MLB) this year, then you may already be familiar with Brady Feigl.

On August 26, the athlete made his MLB debut for the Pittsburgh Pirates after previously spending time with the Long Island Ducks and the Lexington Counter Clocks.

But you may be interested to know that Brady Feigl – who is 6’4 with red hair, a red beard and thick glasses – isn’t the only Brady Feigl in baseball.

What’s more remarkable is that the other one is also a 6’4 man who sports red hair, a red beard and thick glasses. Coincidence?

Due to their eerily similar descriptions and the fact they both play as pitchers, you can guess why some questions were raised regarding their heritage.

Over the years, the two sportsmen have constantly been informed of their doppelganger status.

Eventually, the Feigls wanted to set the record straight and find out whether they were actually related.

Both sportsman agreed to have a DNA test (Inside Edition)

So, they underwent a DNA test, and to many people’s surprise, the experiment showed that they weren’t on the same family tree.

While the results may have confirmed they are not long-lost siblings, they did provide one similarity: both registered as having 53 percent Germanic origin. However, the pair were different on every other measure, subsequently confirming they are not long-lost siblings after all.

So, a new family may not be on the cards for the two baseball stars, but they claim they are glad to have met each other and said they were ‘still brothers in a way’.

Perhaps one of the most amazing stories involving long-lost twins involves Jim Lewis and Jim Springer.

The duo, who have become known as the ‘Jim twins’ in recent years, have some astonishing similarities.

The name is obvious, with their respective adopted parents seemingly liking the name Jim.

The pair found they only share 53 percent of their heritage (Inside Edition)

Both Jims had married twice – with both of them going on to marry a woman called Linda.

Things didn’t work out for the Jims with either Lindas, so they each met a woman called Betty.

The two men also discovered they had the same taste in beer and preferred to smoke the same brand of cigarettes.

Thankfully, there were some differences, as one twin ended up getting married a third time to a woman named Sandy, something not emulated by the other Jim.

At the age of 39, the Jim Twins were finally reunited in February 1979.

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