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Woman who had ‘pre-birth experience’ explains what she remembers before being born

A woman who claims she remembers her ‘pre-birth’ life recalls her memories prior to her current life – and they’re strikingly similar to a near death experience.

By now, we’re all familiar with tales of near-death experiences (NDE). A person will find themself on the precipice of life and death after being involved in a serious car accident or suffering complications during surgery.

The experiences are typically similar as well, with people recalling lights, tunnels, and a sort of spirit guide informing them that ‘now was not their time to pass on’.

But have you ever heard of a pre-birth experience?

Pre-birth or near death experiences aren’t a unique phenomena (Getty Stock Images)

Pre-birth experiences explained

As the name suggests, a pre-birth experience (also known as a pre-mortal experience) is when people remember events that happened prior to them leaving the womb and being pushed out into the world. Like an NDE, a pre-birth experience features tunnels, often thought to represent the birth canal, lights, and guiding figures.

In fact, popular science writer Carl Sagan would even argue that an NDE may even be a memory of one’s birth which, if true, would mean the two phenomena are inter-linked.

Are pre-birth experiences real?

Like all questions regarding religion and spirituality, it depends on who you ask.

For the believer, pre-birth and near death experiences are evidence that there’s more to our lives than the years we spend on Earth – with some even using the idea to argue the existence of reincarnation.

On the other hand, the skeptic would argue that it’s all simply in our imagination.

One person who is vocal in sharing her experience with pre-birth is Dr. Christine Dolahan, who recalled her pre-birth memories in a video earlier this year.

“So the the earliest memory I have is just walking through this spiritual dimension,” she began, adding that it was a place which was hard to define but was filled with ‘a lot of energy, a lot of colour and a lot of clouds’.

Christine claims she can vividly remember the moments leading up to her birth (YouTube/LifeAfterLifeNDE)

“It was very warm, and it was very beautiful there,” she added. “I felt at ease.”

Dolahan went on to explain that she recalled seeing buildings in which souls were ‘training’ for their lives on Earth. “It was almost like a bootcamp,” she said.

The life coach also remembered conversing with a mentor at the time, who was ‘a very highly evolved spiritual being’ who had transcended their life cycles on Earth.

Dolahan then explained that she felt her ‘essence’ become anxious as she approached the moment in which she would enter another human life, asking the spiritual guide ‘do I really have to go’ before being pushed into a ‘vortex’ to begin her next lifetime.

While Dolahan’s recollections may sound far-fetched to some, she is not the only person who has experienced this phenomena, with various Redditors sharing similar experiences online.

“I remember being like the glowing ball and I was standing with these other glowing balls,” one person wrote, while another added: “I remember my soul being born out of darkness and suddenly just existing.”

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